- 你要和谁跳舞? Who will you dance with?
- 你要和谁讲话? Whom do you want to talk to?
- 舞会上你想跟谁跳舞就跟谁跳。 You may dance with whomever you like at the dancing party.
- 如果我们中了彩券,你要和我分一半吗? Will you go halves with me if we win the lottery?
- 你要和谁说话? Whom would you like to talk to?
- 下班后你要不要和我一起去喝一杯咖啡? Could you join me for a drink after work?
- 接下来你要干什么? What will you do next?
- 你要和我一起跳舞吗。 D-D-Do you want to dance with me.
- “你今晚要和谁约会?”“那可不能讲!”(是个秘密) 'Who are you going out with tonight?' 'That would be telling!'(= it's a secret)
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 请问您要和谁通话? Who would you like to talk to?
- 你要和我分手吗? Are you breaking up with me?
- 你要是有辆汽车就不受火车和公共汽车的支配了。 If you have a car you are independent of trains and buses.
- 你要和我顶嘴是不是 Don't you mouth off to me
- 你最好不要和她接近,因这她太溺爱你,这样反而对你有害。 You had better not stay clear of her,as eye she can kill you with kindness.
- 你要不要和我一起喝咖啡? Would you like to join me for coffee?
- 战争和做生意没有两样,胜败的机率经常要看你是和谁对上手。 In war,and business is no different,the probability of winning or losing depends a lot on whom you are fighting against.
- 你要和性感的安迪约会吗? Are you dating with that hot Andy?
- 你要和来自不同时区的人协调。 You need to co-ordinate with all the people acro all the time zones.
- 你要能来和我们一道吃午饭,我们就高兴了。 We shall be delighted if you'll lunch with us.