- 你要单程票还是往返票? Do you want a single or a return ticket?
- 您要买单程票还是往返票? Do you want to buy a single fare or a round-trip ticket?
- 你想要单程票还是往返票? Would you like a single or a return ticket?
- 你想要单程票还是来回票? Would you like a one-way or a round-trip ticket?
- 我知道了。请问你要单程票还是返程票? I see. Er, do you want the excursion fare or the full return fare.
- 你要单程票还是往返票? Do you want a single or a return ticket?
- 你要单程还是往返票? Would you like one way or round trip?
- 单程票还是来回票? Single or return?
- 我明白了。一张去纽约的票,今晚的。是单程还是往返票? I understand. So that's one ticket to New York, and you'll be departing tonight. Will that be one-wayor round trip?
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 要单程票。 One way, please.
- 你要学会谦虚谨慎。 You must school yourself to be modest and prudent.
- 单程票还是往返票? Single or return fare?
- 你要找的商行在大桥街。 The establishment you are looking for is in Bridge Street.
- 你买单程票还是往返票? You want to buy a single fare or a round trip ticket?
- 你要我来除去鱼的内脏吗? Would you like me to gill the fish?
- 您想买单程票还是往返票? Do you buy a single fare or a round trip ticket?
- 当你要洗澡时,打开水龙头。 When you want a bath,you turn on the tap.
- 把你要做的事概括地叙述一下。 Sketch out what you intend to do.
- 您要单程票还是来回票? You want to buy a single fare or round trip ticket?