- 你要不要留个话儿? Would you like to leave a message?
- 你要不要(给他)留个话儿? Would you like to leave a message(for him)?
- 点钟。你要不要留个话? Around one o'clock. Would you care to leave a message?
- 对不起,史密斯先生不在。你要留个话吗? I am sorry,Mr. Smith is not in. Will you like to leave a message ?
- 先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适? Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir?
- 她出去吃午餐了,你要不要留个口信? She's out for lunch. Would you like to leave a message?
- "... 我要用利剑一样的话刺痛她的心,但决不是真用利剑 ... " "... I will speak daggers to her, but use none ... " (Shakespeare, Hamlet)
- 我可以送你回家。你要不要搭我的车? I can take you home. Would you like a ride?
- 我想要留个话。 I'd like to leave a message.
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- 让我们在了解全部事实之前暂时不要作出判断。 Let us suspend judgement until we know all the facts.
- 要不是他们不离开市区,他们将被赶出去。 If they don't leave the town,they will be run out(of it).
- 你要找的商行在大桥街。 The establishment you are looking for is in Bridge Street.
- 那您要不要留话在他的语音信箱里? Would you like to leave a message on his voice mail, then?
- "我们到哪儿去?" "我无所谓。你要去哪儿都成。" "Where should we go?" "I don't care! Any where you want."
- [谚]不要写你不敢署名的文章。 Never write what you not sign.
- 你要是做那件事,必将以耻辱告终。 If you do that,you'll end up with egg on your face.
- 如果有什么事情,我完全可以在旁边帮帮忙,但是绝不要正式再搞个什么头衔了。 If there is something I can do,I shall be more than ready to help from the sidelines,but under no circumstances should I be given any official title.
- 你要是这样继续下去,你会把我气死的。 If you go on in this way,you'll be the death of me.
- 你要是再干这等事,我定要狠狠地揍你。 If you do that again,I'll beat the living daylights out of you.