- 你要不要洗一下?浴室在楼上。 Would you like to freshen up? The bathroom is upstairs.
- 利息现在很高,你要买这栋房子之前要不要花一些时间再想一下呢? The interest rate is pretty high now. Why don't you think twice before you buy this house.
- 先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适? Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir?
- 要不要我洗一下生菜? Would you like me to wash the salad?
- "人们相信一场新的经济危机可能再次席卷全球,但是我们希望它不要发生。" "It is conceivable that there will be a new economic crisis throughout the world, but we hope it won't happen."
- 哦,要洗一下头吗? Now how about a shampoo?
- 嗨,赖瑞!你要不要见一见我的室友莎莉? Hi, Larry! Would you like to meet my roommate, Sally?
- 你要不要我也写一下自我介绍? Yareisa: do you want me to do my intro piece?
- "老板,你要不要来个培根三明治?" "Do you want a bacon sarney, boss?"
- 你要是不能很快得到答覆,不妨催他们一下。 If you don't receive an answer quickly, give them a prod.
- 你要不要来杯茶? What do you say to a cup of tea?
- `要不要我帮你洗碗碟?'`不用麻烦了--我待一会儿洗。' `Shall I help you with the washing up?' `Don't bother I'll do it later.'
- 你要不要这份工作由你自行决定。 It's up to you whether you decide to take the job.
- 你要是不能很快得到答复,不妨催他们一下。 If you do not receive an answer quickly ,give them a prod.
- 你要不要来点儿喝的? Would you care for a drink?
- 要不要我用理发推子推一下后面的头发? Shall I use the clippers on the back?
- 你要不要参加我们的活动? Will you join with us in this activity?
- 你要不要我去准备一些咖啡? Would you like me to fix some coffee?
- 哦,好啊,那么要不要我为您预订一下今晚的房间? Er. OK. Er, shall I make you a reservation for tonight?
- 你要不要(给他)留个话儿? Would you like to leave a message(for him)?