- 你要不要来个水果? Would you like a piece of fruit?
- "老板,你要不要来个培根三明治?""" "Do you want a bacon sarney, boss?"
- "老板,你要不要来个培根三明治?" "Do you want a bacon sarney, boss?"
- 先生,你要不要试穿一下这件夹克衫,看看尺寸是否合适? Would you like to try this jacket on for size, sir?
- 你要不要来杯茶? What do you say to a cup of tea?
- 前几年我看过一部电影。剧中人物问另一个人物要不要来个“nightcap”。 I remember watching a movie a few years ago in which one character asked another whether or not he wanted a nightcap.
- 你要不要来点甜食? Are you up for some dessert?
- 我可以送你回家。你要不要搭我的车? I can take you home. Would you like a ride?
- 我们要不要来个告别晚会? Shall we have a farewell party?
- 贝丝,你要不要我帮你提这个东西呢? Beth, would you like me to help you carry it?
- 我们刚到了许多新鲜的水果与蔬菜。要不要来点苹果? We've got a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables. Can I get you some apples?
- 你要不要(给他)留个话儿? Would you like to leave a message(for him)?
- 要不要来个三明治? Do you want a sandwich?
- 这个地方很好玩,你要不要到处看看? It's an interesting place. Do you want to take a look around?
- 我有些巧克力。你要不要来一块? I have got some chocolates. Do you want one ?
- 点钟。你要不要留个话? Around one o'clock. Would you care to leave a message?
- 我有些巧克力,你要不要来一块? I have some chocolates. Do you want one?
- 你要不要跟我合伙买一样礼物送给他们? Will you join with me in buying a present for them?
- 你要不要来杯热茶? Would you like some hot tea?
- 你要不要我给他打个电话? Will you like me to phone him?