- 你英语上有困难吗? Do you have any difficulty with English?
- 你在学习英语上有点过急。 You are a little previous in learning English.
- 你的声控打字机拼打“futuristic(未来学的)”一词有困难吗? Does your voice-activated typewriter have trouble spelling "futuristic"?
- 如果你把全部精力集中在学习英语上,你就会掌握这种语言。 If you concentrate all your energies on the study of English,you will master the language.
- 他英语上有点弱。 He is a little weak at English.
- 你担心会有困难吗? Do you apprehend any difficulty?
- 委员会的事务因程序上有困难而耽搁了. The business of the committee was delayed by procedural difficulties.
- 你在学习英语上有点过急 。 You are a little previous in learning English
- 你英语说的流利吗? Do you speak English fluently?
- 你英语讲得好吗? Do you speak English well?
- 为了掌握英语,我们在学习英语上下苦功夫。 We work hard at English so as to have a good command of it .
- 但是,要明白最后通牒游戏只有一次互动的机会,真有那麽困难吗? But can it be so hard to realize that the Ultimatum Game is a one-shot interaction?
- 没有良好的习惯,就不能在英语上取得很大的进步。 Without good habit, you can't make a great progress in English.
- 我在学习英语上觉得有些困难。 I find some difficulties in learning English.
- 情绪不稳定并且在维系人际关系上有困难的。 emotionally unstable and having difficulty coping with personal relationships.
- 你怕有困难吗? Do you apprehend any difficulty?
- 如果你把全部精力集中在学习英语上,你就会掌握这种语言。 If you concentrate all your energies on the study of English ,you will master the language .
- 英语是一个高度惯用语化的语言,有数千个由两词或三词组合成成千上万个短语与惯用语。美国人常这样称赞你英语说的很地道 English language is a highly idiomatic language with thousands of two-and three-word phrases that have meanings quite different from the meanings of the same words used individually?
- 两天之内完成这项工作有困难吗? Does anything stand in the way of you finishing the work in two days?
- 我看见你车左侧的翼子板上有块凹痕。 I found a dent in the left wing of your car.