- 你脸上怎么弄脏了一块? How did you get that spot on your face?
- 譬如他那一次弄脏了你的衣服,吃了一顿打,从次他记在心里,不敢跟你胡闹。” Like that time he got your dress dirty, for example.After he'd had a spanking, he remembered from then on never to misbehave around you."
- 哎呀,这张画怎么弄脏了? Oh my! The picture's got dirty!
- 关于那个咒语你都知道些什么?“Harry拿了一块羊角面包,然后往上面倒了些蜂蜜。 What do you know about it?"Harry took a croissant and began drizzling honey on it.
- 你脸上的斑点是怎么弄上去的? How did yu get that spot on your face?
- 你脸上有一块污迹。 You've got a smudge on your cheek.
- 房间里没有人的时候,那只狡猾的狗从桌子上衔了一块小甜饼。 That sly dog grabbed a cookie from the table while no one was in the room.
- 我今天吃早饭时将衣服弄脏了,上班迟到结果被老板炒了鱿鱼。我今天真倒霉。 I massed up my clothes this morning when I was having breakfast. I was late to the office and my boss fired me. Today is not my day.
- 你脸上带着血迹跨进房门那刻,我就知道,另一种爱也跟着你进来了。 And when you came through that door with blood on your face., Another kind of love came with you.
- 一块被深嵌的灰尘弄脏了的地毯。 A carpet disfigured by ingrained dirt.
- 这电视机你是怎么弄的?都不能正常收看了。 What have you done to the television? It's not working properly.
- 这个小孩忍不住拿了一块诱人的饼干;产生了想得到的效果。 the child could no longer resist taking one of the craved cookies; it produced the desired effect.
- "6镑," 我说道: "真贵,你可把它放起来留到结婚时穿。" "Six pounds, " I said. "That's very good money. You'll be able to save for your bottom drawer, "
- "3个小流氓。" 他看了看说,"我们这儿可不想要这种人。" "Three of the wide boy." he observed, "We don't want their sort in here."
- 这是你今天第三次弄脏了。 This is the third time you fouled today.
- 他要了一块写字板,就写上说,他的名字是约翰。他们便都希奇。 And asking for a tablet, he wrote, saying, John is his name. And they all marveled.
- 还有最最重要的一点要记住:最好的化妆是你脸上的微笑,只要花费一秒钟的时间就可以了。 And there is the most important thing to remember: The best make-up of all is a smile, which only takes you a second to put on.
- 这块好看的布料被弄脏了,所以现在便宜出售。 This beautiful piece of fabric is spotted so it is on sale now.
- 短暂的白昼和沉郁的天气勾结到了一块,将伊娃的情绪降到了最低点。 The short days and foul weather conspire to drive Eva into the ground.
- 我想我弄脏了你室友的浴袍。 I think I ruined your roommate's bathrobe.