- 你脑子进水啊? What were you thinking?
- 你脑子进水啊也可写成 You are out of mind.
- 你脑子进水啊? What were you thinking?
- 或者如果你真的脑子进水了就直接跟一队商人出去。 Or even follow a caravan out, if you've totally l%23ost your mind.
- 他脑子进水了。 He must have gone loopy.
- 没有人强迫你看那本书,让那些胡言乱语往你脑子里硬灌。 You're not obliged to read the book and nave that rubbish crammed down your throat.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 我有时不明白你脑子里想些什么。 I sometimes wonder what goes on in that head of yours.
- 放了,但是,没有放肥皂水啊。 Rachel: Yeah, but, there were no suds.
- 唯一可以阻止你的是你脑子里存在的疑虑。 The only thing that can stop you is the doubt that you carry in your mind.
- 他扑通一声掉进水里。 He fell with a flop into the water.
- 不顾家人安危?我说,算了吧你脑子里到底子想些什么? Risking the safety of our family? I mean, come on, what were you thinking?
- 虽然他收养了几个孩子,但他把钱财都遗留给了他的兄弟姐妹,我认为是血浓于水啊。 Although he had several foster children, he left all his money to his brothers and sisters. I suppose blood is thicker than water.
- 如果你脑子里还有祖国的话, 那么你现在能为她做点事了。 If you think anything of your motherland, you are in a position to do something about her.
- 他一头栽进水中。 He threw himself headlong into the water.
- 你想做什么样的工作?我的意思是说,在你脑子里有没有特别的选择? What kind of job are you aiming at? I mean, do you have a particular job in mind?
- 我们把岩石扑通一声抛进水里 We dropped the rock plump into the water.
- 左舷进水了! The port ships water!
- 扭转你脑子里批判自己的倾向要是你内心老有个声音说三道四,把你干的每件事都说成一钱不值,你可设法去掉它。 Switch off the critic in your head If you have an incessant internal commentator that rubbishes everything you do,you can learn to get rid of it.
- 迸流的水啊,你脚下的沙子渴望你的歌声,渴望你灵动地奔流;你会忍受他们的跛足吗? The sands in your way beg for you songs and movements, dancing water. Will you carry the burden of their lameness?