- 你能马上修好它吗? Can you manage to repair it at once?
- 你可以修好它吗? Can you get it repaired?
- 你能马上给我们烧一顿简单的饭菜吗? Could you cook up a simple meal for us right away?
- 能 energy
- 不能 cannot
- 他们想把电视机马上修好。 They want their TV set to be fixed right now.
- 你能修它吗? Can you have it repair?
- 你认为你能马上睡着吗? Do you think you will be able to go to sleep right away?
- 我倒希望你能马上来。 I would rather you came right away.
- 你能处理它吗? Can you handle it?
- 我们不能马上给你回音。 We cannot give you a reply off hand.
- 你能让我们暂住一夜吗? Can you lodge us for the night?
- 她的风筝破了.你能修好它吗? Her kite is broken. Can you mend it?
- 这是我第3次写信给你提出我的投诉,我希望你能马上答复。 This is the third time I have written to you about my complaint and I would appreciate a reply by return.
- 你头上有个蝴蝶,你能逮住它吗? There's a butterfly above you-can you catch it?
- 有必要尽可能地多听,直到你能马上识别这些声音。 It's necessary to listen more till you can recognize these sounds soon.
- 你能确定这化石的确切年代吗? Can you date the fossil exactly?
- 你能处理它吗? Can you handle it?
- 你能马上派一个修理工来修一下吗? Will you send a repairman to do it immediately?
- 你能给我推荐一本西班牙语读本吗? Could you recommend a Spanish reader to me?