- 你能解开这根绳子吗? Can you ravel out this piece of string?
- 你能解开这根绳子吗?上面满是结。 Can you ravel out this piece of string?It's all in knots.
- 你能跳过这根绳子吗? Can you jump over this rope?
- 你能解开这条绳索吗? Can you disentangle the cord?
- 你能抓住那根绳子吗? Can you get hold of that rope?
- 每一段情节都提供能解开这一谜团的线索。 Each scene will give you a clue that you can use to solve the mystery.
- 你能解开箱子的锁扣吗? Can you unfasten the lock catch of a box?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 请递给我剪刀割断这根绳子。 Please pass me the scissors to cut this string.
- 目前,考古学家和核物理学家们正在利用宇宙射线探测器的介子束在太阳金字塔底深处进行勘测,希望能解开这座金字塔的秘密以了解扑朔迷离的狄奥提瓦康古城。 Scientists are using cosmic ray detectors to uncover the secrets of the earliest large metropolis of the Americas.
- 你能解开这些缠在一起的电线吗? Can you untangle these wires?
- 这根柱子是混凝土做的。 This post is made of concrete.
- 你能不能到我们家修补一下热水箱上的洞? Could you come round and mend a leak in my hot water tank?
- 这根绳子比另外一根短半米。 This string is half a metre shorter than the other.
- 你能查问出火车什麽时候开吗? Can you find out what time the train leaves?
- 我相信你能救他的命。 I credit you with saving his life.
- "能告诉我去邮局怎么走吗?" "你从那座大楼旁边走过去,在那个拐角处乘公共汽车去。" "Can you tell me how to get to the post office?" "You can make by that building and get on the bus at that corner."
- 这根绳子牢靠吗? Can this rope be relied on?
- 看看你能从辛迪那儿问出些什么,我去审问她的丈夫。 See if you can winkle anything out of Cindy; I'll question her husband.
- 你能猜出我的体重吗? Can you guess my weight ?