- 你能解开这个小谜团? Can you solve this little riddle?
- 你能解开这个结吗? Can you undo this knot?
- 你能找位领航员将船引进这个小港湾吗? Can you find a guide to pilot the boat into the little harbour?
- 怎样才能解开这个迷。 how it got out is a mystery; it remains one of nature's secrets.
- 你能系住昴星的结吗。能解开叁星的带吗。 Canst thou bind the sweet influences of Pleiades, or loose the bands of Orion?
- 这个小礼物送给你,聊表谢意,希望你能收下。 I pray that you take this favor as a token of my gratitude.
- 科学家还不能完全了解衰老和寿命,也无人能解开这些谜团。 Science doesn't understand everything about aging and life span. No one has it all figured out.
- 你这个小淘气鬼! You naughty little scallywag!
- 你能解开箱子的锁扣吗? Can you unfasten the lock catch of a box?
- 调查员费时多年才能解开这个金钱转移的迷宫,取得所需的证据以证明此贪污行为。 It took investigators several years to unravel the monetary maze and secure the necessary evidence to prove the corrupt transactions.
- 你能解开这条绳索吗? Can you disentangle the cord?
- 你能解开这些缠在一起的电线吗? Can you untangle these wires?
- 你能看到那座隐藏在树林里的小房子吗? Can you see the small house wrapped in the trees?
- 你能解开这根绳子吗?上面满是结。 Can you ravel out this piece of string?It's all in knots.
- 你能从它的上下文说出这个词的意思吗? Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?
- 你能走出这个房间吗小游戏 Can you walk out of the room? Games
- 你怎能期待自己一下就能解开所有的问题,甚至在几个礼拜之内开悟? Can we really expect to have all the answers, let alone become enlightened, in a few weeks?
- 小猪,你能在地图上找到我们的城市吗? Can you find our city in the map, Piggy?
- 那你能从小民那挖到什麽吗? What can you get out of Wang?
- 你能系住昴星的结吗?能解开参星的带吗? "are the bands of the Pleiades fixed by you, or are the cords of Orion made loose?"