- 你能看到多少瓶啤酒? How many bottles of beer can you see?
- 照片上你能看到多少人? How many people can you see in the picture?
- 在桌子上你能看到多少杯水? How many glasses of water can you see on the table?
- 能 energy
- 你在动物园里能看到多少动物? How many animals cna you see in the zoo?
- 不能 cannot
- 你们要多少瓶? How many would you like?
- 难道他真的能独个儿喝十瓶啤酒吗? Is it at all possible that he alone can drink ten bottles of beer?
- 你能看到北斗七星吗? Can you see the Great Dipper?
- 啊,要是我有三天的视力,我会看到多少东西啊! Oh, how many things I should see if I had the power of sight for just three days!
- 你能把这瓶的盖子给旋开吗? Could you screw the lid off the jar?
- 你能让我们暂住一夜吗? Can you lodge us for the night?
- 黄昏时你能看到那颗星星。 You can see the star at nightfall.
- 你能确定这化石的确切年代吗? Can you date the fossil exactly?
- 你能看到什么, What can you see, Bobby? I can see a shelf.
- 那么你能减多少? Then how much can you go down?
- 你能看到他们白眼球就可以射击。 hold your fire until you can see the whites of their eyes; they retreated in the face of withering enemy fire.
- 看你能不能用一块钱买到一小瓶什么酒。 See if you can get a mickey of something for a buck.
- 不断地翻山越岭,因为你知道,站得越高,就能看到越美的风景。 Fun of conquer Tramp over hill and dale continuously, as you know, the higher you reach, the nicer sight you get.
- 在图片中,你能看到什么? What can you see in the picture?