- 你能摸到篮圈吗? The backboard in the professional games is made of glass. Can you touch the ring?
- 你能摸到我头上的肿块吗? Can you feel the bump on my head?
- 你能摸到我头上那个肿块吗? Can you feel the bump on my head?
- 你能让我看看那个钥匙圈吗? Will you show me that key ring?
- 你不屈膝能摸到你的脚指头吗? Can you touch your toes without bending your knees?
- 你敢吃那个从垃圾堆里拿出来的面包圈吗? I dare you to eat the that doughnut out of the garbage.
- 那小孩不能摸到球。 The child can not touch the ball.
- 你能摸出这是什么东西吗? Can you tell what this is by feeling it?
- 你能解开这个结吗? Can you undo this knot?
- 他是如此高以致他能摸到屋顶。 He is so tall that he can touch the top.
- 你能将政客的私生活与公职分开吗? Can you dissociate the private lives from the public ones of a politician?
- 我能摸到手柄。 I was able to reach the handle.
- `你能切实保证把钱退还给我吗?'`是的,我保证。' `Do you promise faithfully to pay me back?' `Yes, I promise.'
- 在背侧,能摸到掌骨。 On the dorsum, the metacaral bones can be palpated.
- 他手臂很长,能摸到天花板。 His arms were so long he could touch the ceiling.
- 你能跳到对岸吗? Can you jump over to the opposite bank?
- 你能闻到正在厨房里滤煮的咖啡味吗? Can you smell the coffee perking in the kitchen?
- 我能摸到一些柔软的东西,我想它是薄纸。 I can feel something soft. I think it's a tissue.
- 你能告诉我到车站去的路吗? Can you tell me the way to the station?
- 我能摸到一些柔软的东西。我想它是毛巾。 I can feel something soft. I think it's a towel.