- 你能推荐一些菜吗? Do you have any recommendations?
- 你能推荐个菜吗?今天我们的龙虾特别好。 C: What would you recommend? W: Our lobsters are very good today.
- 我第一次来这里旅游,你能推荐一些当地菜吗? This is my first trip here.Can you recommend some local dishes?
- 你能推荐一些有关这个学科的新书给我吗? Can you recommend me some new books on this subject?
- 你能推荐一些这里的景点吗? Could you recommend some sightseeing spots here?
- 谢谢,你能推荐些特色菜吗? Thank you very much. Could you recommend some special dishes here?
- 如果你能帮我们推荐一些你认为合适做我们代理的人,我们将非常感激! Also we will be much appreciated if you can recommend someone whom you think is qualified to be our agent in Africa area!
- 你能推荐一个最好的意大利菜吗? Would you recommend one of your best Italian dishes?
- 需要我推荐一些我们点地特色菜吗? W: Can I recommend our chef's special dish for you?
- 你能推荐一位好的牙医吗? Can you recommend a good dentist to me?
- 你能不能推荐一些地道的川菜? Will you please recommend some dishes typically Sichuan?
- 外宾: 你能给我介绍介绍几个菜吗? Could you recommend me a few dishes?
- 你能设法从你父母那儿再要出一些吗? Can't you manage to screw a bit extra out of your parents?
- 今天有什么特色菜能推荐一下吗? Any special recommendations?
- 你能替我弄到一些标本吗? Can you procure some specimens for me/procure me some specimens?
- 你能不能给我推荐一些? Can you recommend some to me?
- 您能推荐些特色菜吗? Is there any specialty you would recommend, please?
- 你能匀出一些纸给我吗? Can you spare some paper for me?
- 你能推荐一个附近的好餐厅吗? Can you recommend a good restaurant nearby?
- 你能介绍一下各钟菜的特点吗? Could you tell me their different features?