- 你能把数字核定一下吗? Will you check and ratify the figures?
- 你能把数字查一下, 看看我什么地方搞错了, 好吗? Could you check these figures and see where I have slipped up?
- 你能把自行车借给我一下吗? Could you lend me your bike?
- 你能把建议的一些细节补充概述一下吗? Can you sketch in a few details of the proposal?
- 你能把头往边上侧一下吗? Can you cock your head a bit to the side?
- 你能把这行数字加起来吗? Can you add up this column of figures?
- 你能把这胶卷卷回到卷轴上去吗? Can you wind this film back on to its spool?
- 你能说得慢一点吗? Could you speak slower?
- 争取把我们最有利可图的产品出售给他们,我们希望你能大获成功。 Try to sell them our most profitable product and he's hope you can bring off a deal.
- 你能帮我一下吗?我的行李太沉了。 Can you help? My baggage is too heavy.
- 你能根据外表辨别好苹果和坏苹果吗? Can you discriminate good apples from bad ones by their appearance?
- 你能把一枚硬币竖立起来吗? Can you stand a coin up on its edge?
- “我能见你一下吗?”“有急事吗?” 'Can I see you for a moment?' 'Is it urgent?'
- 假如你能把钉子弄松,我就能把它拔出来。 If you can work the nail loose,I could pull it out.
- 史蒂夫病了,你能代替他吗? Steve is ill. Can you fill in for him?
- 麦加,你刚说杰夫的打法叫什么“曲球”,能介绍一下吗? Maiga,you just said that Jeff's way of play was curve. Could you introduce it to me?
- 你能把这个瓶盖松开吗? Can you loosen the lid of this jar?
- 你能说出你想要的花吗? Will you designate the flowers you wish?
- 弗兰克:妈妈,能帮我一下吗?我把阁楼上的梯子碰倒了。 Frank:Mum,can you help me? I just knocked over the ladder in the attic.
- 如果你能把这些树枝锯成一样长的木头,我们会获得更大的利润。 If you can saw the branches into equal lengths of wood,we shall make a bigger profit.