- 你能帮我一下儿吗? Can you please give me a hand?
- 你能帮我一下吗?我碰上了几个问题。 Could you help me? I've run up against a few problems.
- 是的。我以前从没去过儿。你能帮我个忙吗?你觉得我在去之前应该做些什么? I know. I've never been there before. Can you help me? What do you think I should do before going?
- 你能帮我一下吗? Will you mind helping me for a minute?
- 你能不能帮我一下? Can you help me?
- 你能帮我把这堆沙推到那棵树旁边吗? Can you help me to get this load of sand up against the tree?
- 你能帮我矫正发音吗? Would you help me correct my pronunciation?
- 我对总是由我自己打扫房间很烦躁。你就不能帮我一下? I'm tired of always cleaning the house by myself. Can't you help me?
- 你能不能帮我查一查明天是否有空房间? Can you find out for me whether it have any vacant room for tomorrow?
- 你能帮我一下吗?我的行李太沉了。 Can you help? My baggage is too heavy.
- 劳驾,你能不能帮我把眼睛里的沙子弄出来? Will you see if you can get die speck of dust out of my eyes?
- 你能帮我咀嚼一下吗? Could you chew that up for me?
- 如果你能帮我接电话,我将不胜感激。 If you could answer my calls I'd appreciate it.
- 你能帮我加热一下电烙铁吗? Could you help me heat the electric iron?
- 我一直知道你能帮我找到最终的出路。 I've always known that you'd be the one to help me find my way home.
- 克里斯蒂娜,你能帮我一下吗? A: Christina, can you give me a hand?
- 弗兰克:妈妈,能帮我一下吗?我把阁楼上的梯子碰倒了。 Frank:Mum,can you help me? I just knocked over the ladder in the attic.
- 你能不能帮我不打破这个木箱盖而撬开它? Can you help me pry the cover off this wooden box without breaking it?
- 你能帮我的汽车检查一下吗? Could you look over my car?
- 我一上午都要开会,你能不能帮我接一下电话? I'll be in a meeting all morning,can you take my calls?