- 你能够着苹果吗? Can you reach the apples?
- 如果你能把你的手伸进靠墙的那把椅子后面, 或许你能够着掉在那儿的那封信。 If you can insert your hand between the back of the chair and the wall, you may be able to reach the letter that fell down there.
- 你伸胳膊能够着书架最高层的那本书吗? Can you reach your arm up to that book on the top shelf?
- 吗 morphine
- 着 catch
- 你能根据外表辨别好苹果和坏苹果吗? Can you discriminate good apples from bad ones by their appearance?
- 苹果 apple
- 能够 be capable of
- 我的口袋因装着苹果而鼓起来了。 My pockets were bulging with apples.
- 我踮着脚才刚能够着架子. I can just reach the shelf, if I stand on tiptoe.
- 有苹果吗? Is there the apple?
- 你的训练使得你能够胜任将来的工作。 Your training will equip you for your future job.
- 他虽然啃着苹果,但却很留神地监视着她的每一个动作。 Munching the apple as he was, he had an eye for all her movements.
- 箱子里有苹果吗? Be there an apple in the box?
- 如果我踮起脚尖的话,我刚刚能够着顶层的架子. I can just reach the top shelf if I stand my toes.
- 我相信你能够成功。 I am sure that you can make it.
- 你要吃苹果吗? Will you have some apples?
- 如果我踮起脚尖的话,我刚刚能够着顶层的架子。 I can just reach the top shelf if I stand on my toes.
- 在强风中你能够感觉到塔在轻轻摇晃。 You can feel the slight craziness of the tower in a strong wind.
- 在他们桌子上有许多苹果吗? Are there many apples on their table?