- 你能坚持吗? Can you last out?
- 你还能坚持吗? Don't you go to pieces now?
- 你能坚持吗?还有十里路呢。 Can you last out ? It is ten li yet.
- 他们不能洞悉在失败中你能坚持(抗?)久。 They cannot fathom how much you stand to lose in failure.
- 你能让我们暂住一夜吗? Can you lodge us for the night?
- 你能坚持新。 Will You Keep Your New Year Resolution?
- 你能确定这化石的确切年代吗? Can you date the fossil exactly?
- 看看你能坚持多长时间。 See if you can persist over a long period.
- 你能从它的上下文说出这个词的意思吗? Can you tell the meaning of this word from its context?
- 我佩服你能坚持你的计划。 I admire you for sticking to your plans.
- 你能给我推荐一本西班牙语读本吗? Could you recommend a Spanish reader to me?
- 你能坚持,便会得到相对的成功。 You will succeed in so far as you persevere.
- 你能借我一点儿钱吗? Would you be so kind as to lend me some money?
- 如果你能坚持到底,我也将坚持到底 And if you reach up. Then I will reach up too
- 你能说得慢一点吗? Could you speak slower?
- 你能帮我给裙子缝边吗? Can you help me to hem the skirt?
- 你累吗?还能坚持一会儿吗? Are you tired? Can you hold out any longer?
- 你能把这瓶的盖子给旋开吗? Could you screw the lid off the jar?
- 你能根据外表辨别好苹果和坏苹果吗? Can you discriminate good apples from bad ones by their appearance?
- 你能把那条白母牛从牛群中弄出来吗? Can you cut out the white cow from the herd?