- 你能不能修一下离合器? Could you do something about the clutch?
- 我能不能修一下离合器? Can you do something about the clutch?
- 我一上午都要开会,你能不能帮我接一下电话? I'll be in a meeting all morning,can you take my calls?
- 我能不能修一下离合器。 Can you do something about the clutch ?
- 你能不能去找一下那个送奶人,他来收过费了。 Would you mind seeing to the milkman,he's called for this money.
- 我能不能修一下离合器? Can you do something about the clutch?
- 你能不能想像一家大公司的总裁居然不太注意衣着? Can you imagine that the president of a large firm doesn't care much about dress?
- 你能不能在几分钟内凑合出一顿饭来? Can you toss a meal together in a few minutes?
- 你能修一下这个门吗?每次我开门的时候它就吱吱作响。 Would you please repair the door? It always creaks whenever I open it.
- 你能不能修好这个罩子? Could you straighten out the bonnet?
- 在这个问题上你能不能真正地跟我说实话? Will you be quite frank with me about this matter?
- 你能不能为我们搞到些免费票? Can you work it so that we get free tickets?
- 听说你是电视专家,能帮我修一下电视吗? I've heard you're a TV expert. Could you repair the TV for me?
- 我能不能知道您对最近一次撬窃案的看法? Could I know your standpoint on the recent burglary?
- 你能不能帮我把这次聚会准备妥当? Can you help me get everything ready for the party?
- 你能不能让一下?这位老太太过不来。 Could you please move a little? The old lady can hardly squeez by.
- “嗯,”卡德鲁斯说,“你能不花一个子儿就使我得到一万五千法郎吗? "Well," pursued Caderousse, "can you without expending one sou, put me in the way of getting fifteen thousand francs?
- 这个螺栓已经坏了,不能拧紧了,但是我还未买来新的之前暂时再用一下。 The bolt is worn and not an exact fit but it will serve its turn until I can buy a new one.
- 你能修这台电视吗?--恐怕不能。我觉得修电视很难。 Are you able to fix the TV set? --I'm afraid not.I have a hard time fixing it.
- 我发现你们送来的东西不是我点的,能不能换一下? I've just realized that the meal you sent up is not the one that I ordered. Can you change it?