- 你胸部两边感到疼痛吗? Do you have a pain in both side of chest?
- 吗 morphine
- 你胸部是钝痛吗? Do you have a dull pain in your chest?
- 是在肚子空的时候才觉得疼痛吗? Do you feel it only when your stomach is empty?
- "当你伤了背部时,动一动就可能感到疼痛。" Movement can be painful when you've hurt your back.
- 麻烦你 Would you kindly ... ?
- 当你伤了背部时,动一动就可能感到疼痛。 Movement can be painful when you've hurt your back.
- 是吗 is that right
- 愿上帝保佑你! Bless you!
- "你如果催他太紧,他可能对工作失去信心而感到沮丧的。" "If you push him too hard, he may lose the confidence in his work and feel frustrated."
- 药性消退后, 他又感到疼痛了。 He could feel the pain again as the medicine wore away.
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- 手术实施了全麻,他不会感到疼痛。 He will be under general anesthetic during the operation, so he won't feel pain.
- "你父亲还好吗?" "还不是老样子。" "How is your father?" "Much the same(as he was)."
- "请你告诉我你的电话号码好吗?" "Can you give me your phone number, please?"
- 你撒了谎感到害臊吗? Are you ashamed for having lied?
- 这对你方便吗? Be it all right with you?
- 头发在眼前落下。我坐在地上,这全部是玻璃碎片。看见地上的血迹。心感到疼痛。 The hair fall In front of my sight. Sit on the ground, which are all bits of broken glass. See the bloodstain on the ground.
- "你不能带玛丽去参加晚会,她是我的女朋友。" "是这么回事吗?" "You can't take Mary to the party- She's my girl." "Says who?"
- 你有必要去那里吗? Is there any need for you to go there?