- 你老兄火气干嘛那么大? What are you getting so bent out of shape for?
- (大喊)你干嘛那么小声啊? A: (Loudly) Why are you whispering?
- 你干嘛那么激动。 Why are you so excited.
- 你怎么老说我顽固透顶呢?要说顽固,你老兄那才是冠军啊! What do you mean I'm as stubborn as a mule? When it comes to being stubborn, you take the cake.
- 吉娜,你干嘛那么小声? B: Zina, why are you whispering?
- 你干嘛那么小声? Why are you whispering?
- 你干嘛那么波涛满面的? Why are you sidwtting there in tear ?
- 根据参数生成数值栅格要素,它具有指定的范围大小和数值,并输入转换流程。 NumericRasterCreator Creates a feature with a raster of the specified size with a numeric value using the parameters supplied, and sends it into the workspace for processing.
- 戴夫:吉娜,你干嘛那么小声? Dave: Zina, why are you 1) whispering?
- 老兄,干嘛摆这么大的架子呢? Why have you been walking heavy, man?
- 维吉尔:老兄,你知道如果我自己住我会干嘛么? Virgil Hu:Dude,do you know what I could do if I had my own place?
- 老大说,你想那么多干嘛。 Why the eldest says, you think of so many.
- 楼上的,抢到沙发那么高兴干嘛?你没坐过沙发吗? In the building, snatches to the sofa that happily does? You have not sat the sofa?
- 你骗不了我的!巫女的力量那么强调,我干嘛要两个?(对忍者研究员)好的,各位!干掉他! You can't fool me! Maiden magic is plenty powerful. What do we need two of'em for? (to the Ninja Lab Tech) ALL RIGHT, PEOPLE! FIRE IT UP!
- --罗伊:是的。--玛拉:那么,我该干嘛?--罗伊:准备结婚。--玛拉:罗伊,你一定是疯了。 --ROY: No.--MYRA: Well, what am I going to do instead?--ROY: Going to get married.--MYRA: Roy, you must be mad.