- 你给他们写信了吗? Have you written to them ?
- 为不使我们在其他城市的顾客失望,我同时也给他们写信了。 I am anxious not to disappoint possible buyer in distant city,to whom I write at the same time.
- 她给他们写信了吗? Have she write to them?
- 你给你父亲写了回信没有,感谢他送给你的生日礼物了吗? Have you written back to your father yet, thanking him for the birthday gift?
- 我喜欢收到邮件,如果你想收到朋友的来信就必须给他们写信。 I like to receive mail, and you have to write letters if you Want to hear from your friends.
- 她给他们写信了吗? Have she write to them?
- 他们托你给我捎什么信了吗? Did they send me any message by you?
- 接到你的信后,我就给他们写信。 I will write to them on hearing from you.
- 你给你主人备好马了吗? Have you horsed your master?
- 你听说了吗,他们没考虑提升可怜的老亨利,而提升了一个新来的? Did you hear that they've passed over poor old Henry for a newcomer?
- 等到这事一弄清楚,我就给他们写信。 As soon as the matter is cleared up.I shall write to them.
- 你给自己买礼物了吗? Did you buy yourself a gift?
- 你给他们,他们便拾起来;你张手,他们饱得美食。 When you give it to them, they gather it up; when you open your hand, they are satisfied with good things.
- 这对情侣的私奔给他们的父母带来了很多痛苦。 The lovers' runaway caused their parents much pain.
- 你给她回信了吗? Have you answered her letter?
- 他们写信给我们表示慰问。 They wrote to us offering consolation.
- 请你代我向他表示歉意,因为我很长时间没有给他写信了。 Please give my apology for not having written to her for ages.
- 你给我留些咖啡了吗? Have you leave me any coffee?
- 等接到你的信之后,我就给他们写信。 I shall write to them on hearing from you.
- 你给苏珊寄圣诞贺卡了吗? Did you send a Christmas card to Susan?