- 你经常上网闲聊吗?每天有数百万人,尤其年轻人,在网上与网友或陌生人聊天。 Do you often go online chatting with strangers? Everyday, millions of people, especially the young, are online chatting with friends or with strangers.
- 你经常上网闲聊吗?每天有数百万人,尤其年轻人,在网上与网友或陌生人聊天。 Do you often go online chatting with stanges? Eveyday, millions of people, especially the young, ae online chatting with fiends o with stanges.
- 你经常上网吗? Do you frequently surf the net?
- 吗 morphine
- 你经常上网浏览信息吗? Do you often surf on the Internet?
- 你经常上网的时间段? What hours do you spend most time on the Internet?
- 麻烦你 Would you kindly ... ?
- 你经常上网冲浪吗? Do you frequently surf the net?
- 是吗 is that right
- 是的,顺便问一下,你经常上网吗? Yes. By the way do you often surf the Net?
- "你父亲还好吗?" "还不是老样子。" "How is your father?" "Much the same(as he was)."
- 你经常需要修改很多文件。 Oftentimes you need to modify many files.
- "请你告诉我你的电话号码好吗?" "Can you give me your phone number, please?"
- 新加油站竭诚欢迎你经常惠顾。 The new gas station would like to have your custom.
- 这对你方便吗? Be it all right with you?
- "你不能带玛丽去参加晚会,她是我的女朋友。" "是这么回事吗?" "You can't take Mary to the party- She's my girl." "Says who?"
- 你有必要去那里吗? Is there any need for you to go there?
- 你理解了吗? Do you dig?
- 你经常会碰到成双成对的男女坐在大树底下的长凳上搂搂抱抱地谈情说爱。 Every now and then you come across several couples siting on benches under trees spooning.
- 你能让我们暂住一夜吗? Can you lodge us for the night?