- 你突然躲到哪里去了? Where the hell have you been hiding?
- 你最近躲到哪里去了?你知道,从上次打电话已经有好久了。最近好不好? Jason! Where have you been hiding lately? You know, It's been a long time since your last call.Been good?
- 你把我的眼镜究竟弄到哪里去了?我什么地方也找不到! What on earth have you done with my glasses? I can't find them anywhere!
- 话题一起,他那尤如夏日掠过的闪电点燃心灵之火的想象力又到哪里去了? Where is the kindling fancy that played like summer lightning over any topic that was started?
- "你砸坏的锁得花七镑去换一个新的。" "去你妈的!" 我对他伸了伸两个指头说道。 "And there'll be seven pounds for replacing the lock you broke." "Up yours!" I said, giving him two fingers.
- 我们找你找到现在,你躲到哪里去? We ve been looking for you all over. Where have you been hiding?
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- 我们在树下躲雨,一直躲到雨过天晴。 We shelter under a tree until the shower passed .
- "不妨让你知道," 比尔说,"我已深深地爱上了她。" "I don't mind your knowing, " Bill said, "I'm over head and ears in love with her."
- 在这样一个晚上他能到哪里去了呢? Where could he have gone on such a night?
- "爱因斯坦的书你读得怎样了?" "刚开始读懂。" "How're you coming along on Einstein?" "It's just starting to clear up a bit."
- "我本以为你要去买东西呢?" "改变主意是女人的特权嘛。" "I thought you were going shopping." "It's a woman's privilege to change her mind."
- "你赛跑的成绩怎样?" "我跑了第三。" "How did you come out in the race?" "I came out third."
- 上周他取道香港回美国去了。 He went back to the Untied States by way of Hong Kong last week.
- 他们一定是把一部分会谈内容删去了。 They must have edited bits of the interview out.
- 他知道她收到过一封信,可是不知道信里讲的什么,只看见她躲到一边哭了一场。 He knew that she had received a letter, but not what was in it, except that it had made her hide herself and cry.
- "你经常去那里吗?" "一月一次。" "How often do you go there?" "Once a month."
- 我的钱包哪去了?那里边可有一千块钱啊。 Where is my wallet? There are a thousand bucks in it.
- "你什么时候去上大学?" "下周,所有的学生都是那时去。" "When do you go up to your university?" "Next week, all the students go up then."
- "你去不去看电影?" "随便好啦。" "Would you like to go to the cinema?" "I'm not bothered."