- 你穿多大号的? What size do you take?
- 你穿多大号的鞋? What size shoes do you take?
- “你穿多大号的?”售货员问。 What size do you wear? @ asks the salesperson.
- 你穿多大号? What is your size?
- 请问你穿多大号? What size, please?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 你穿多大的鞋? What's your shoe size?
- 如果你想亲身看看它如何运作,你可以到我们林肯大街六十七号的商店。 If you want to see how one works,you can come in to our shop at 67 Lincoln Street.
- 你穿那套衣服看起来很帅。 You really look sharp in that new outfit.
- "你的律师应该告诉你犯了个大错误。" "他告诉我了。他说是对的,但我认为我比他更清楚。 "Your lawyer should have told you you were making a big mistake." "He did, and he never said a truer word. But I thought I knew better."
- 这件衣服你穿非常合适。 This dress suits you beautifully.
- 上低音大号,次中音号一种类似于大号的铜管乐器,但具有较高的音度和柔美的声音。 A brass wind instrument similar to the tuba but having a somewhat higher pitch and a mellower sound.
- 他就是个老赶,无论穿多时髦的衣服,也是土里土气的。 He is a real rustic. However fashionable his clothes, he always looks cloddish.
- 鹿在多大的时候开始生角? When do deer first sprout horns?
- 你穿那条旧裤子参加宴会是不妥的。 It will not be comme il faut for you to wear those old trousers for the party.
- 这件稍稍大了一点。拿件小一号的给我试试好吗? It's a trifle too big. Could I try a size smaller?
- 这个[这件衣服]你穿合适极了。 It [The dress] suits you beautifully.
- 很难想像宇宙有多大。 It is hard to imagine the scale of the universe.
- 一种大号;芦笛家族的低音成员。 a large shawm; the bass member of the shawm family.
- 爸爸要你穿的那一套。 the one that Daddy wanted you to wear.