- 你究竟要拿哪一个? W-are you going to take?
- 你究竟要挑选哪一个? Whichever are you going to choose?
- 你拿哪一个都可以。 You may take either of them.
- 准备-通过调查已经发布的广告确认你究竟要卖什么,拥有供查证的信用卡和银行信息。 Prepare - Research what you want to sell using Completed Listings. Have credit card and bank information ready for verification.
- 随你拿哪一个。 Take whichever you like.
- 拿 to hold
- 出去?你究竟要到哪儿去呢? Going out? Where in the world are you going?
- 问题是先拿哪一个。 The question is which to take first.
- 你究竟要什么? What the hell do you want?
- 你究竟在干什么? What ever are you doing?
- 按快门时要拿稳相机。 Hold the camera steadily when pressing the shutter.
- 你喜欢哪本书就拿哪本。 Take any book you like.
- 你究竟要知道多少才能满足,劳拉? How far are you willing to go to find out, Lara?
- 很难说哪一个好些。 It's hard to say which is better.
- 你最喜欢哪一本书就拿哪一本。 Take which book you like best.
- "爸爸在上封信中问你究竟是否打算找到一份工作。" "当然不," 他说,"这样更有趣。" "Dad was asking in the last letter if you were ever going to get a job." "Not much, " he said, "I get more fun this way."
- 在你信任一个人之前,先要深入了解他。 Eat a peck of salt with a man before you trust him.
- 反对自由主义---不让挑,买哪支拿哪支。 Opposed to liberalism ----not allowed to choose, I will bring you one you want.
- 他下一步究竟要干什么? What on earth will he get up to next?
- 哪一个较冷? Which is colder?