- 你究竟干了些什么?看上去像害了大病似的。 What have you done in hell? You look like deathy!
- 突然意识到她自己究竟干了些什么 the sudden realization of what she had done
- 他干了什么,究竟干了什么,要把他这样排挤出去,要把这么多的困难堆在他的头上? What had he done--what in the world--that should bar him out this way and heap such difficulties upon him?
- 哦不!看看你都干了些什么。我所有的图片都洒在地板上了,到处都是。 Oh no!! Look what have you done. Now all my pictures are strewn across the floor.
- 我想知道政府在幕后究竟干些什么。 I'd like to know what really goes on backstage in government.
- 你究竟在干什么? What ever are you doing?
- 我仍不明白,你究竟为什么取了这么个名字。 I still don't understand why you chose that name in the first place.
- 彼得弯下身去在费利克斯耳边低声说了些什么。 Peter leaned over and whispered something in Felix's ear.
- 你究竟是如何处理了它,我觉得很不可思议。 I marvel how you managed to do it.
- 接着他干了些什么? What did he do next ?
- 你究竟在我车里做什么? What do you do inside my car actually?
- 我不知道他说了些什么。 What he said slips my mind.
- 简因此感到不高兴,因为儿子说不清放学之后到回家之前的三个小时之间他究竟干了什么。 Jane was upset because her son couldn't account for the three hours between his last class and his arrival home.
- 你想要些什么? Do you want something?
- 布朗宁兄弟互相责怪说:“你究竟想搞什么鬼名堂来坑害我?” The Browning brothers accused each other, saying "What on earth are you trying to pull off against me?"
- 他意识到那时他说了些什么吗? Was he conscious of what he was saying at the rime?
- 我明白你究竟是什么意思。 I see where you're coming from(= I understand what you mean).
- 约翰弯下身子和玛丽低声说了些什么。 John leant over and whispered something in Mary's ear.
- "你究竟想说什么?能不能开门见山讲出来?" "What on earth are you driving at? Can't you come to the point?"
- 他还说了些什么? What else did he say?