- “你究竟到哪里去了?” Where the hell have you been?
- 你究竟到哪里去? Wherever are you going ?
- 你究竟到哪里去了? Where have you gone to actually?
- 你究竟到哪里去啦? Where in hell have you been?
- 话题一起,他那尤如夏日掠过的闪电点燃心灵之火的想象力又到哪里去了? Where is the kindling fancy that played like summer lightning over any topic that was started?
- 你究竟到哪儿去? Wherever are you going?
- 把他的四肢一次切掉一段,他甚至会搞不清他的肢体到哪里去了。 I'll slice off his limbs one at a time and he won't even know where they're gone.
- 这些天你究竟到哪儿了? What on earth have you been doing th ese days?
- 我的小火星人,你到哪里去了?你为什么不告诉我你要去哪里?你已出去三个钟头了! Ali, my little Martian. Where were you? Why didn't you tell me where you were going? You've been gone three hours!
- 石头,好久不见,这些天你究竟去哪儿了? Stone, Long time no see. What on earth have you been doing these days?
- 在这样一个晚上他能到哪里去了呢? Where could he have gone on such a night?
- 愚蠢的重庆发言人没有想一想,究竟到那里去叛变谁呢? That blockhead of a Chungking spokesman did not stop to think. Against whom would the New Fourth Army be mutinying in that area?
- 你把它藏到哪里去了? Where did you hide it?
- 愚蠢的重庆发言人没有想一想,新四军究竟到那里去叛变谁呢? That blockhead of a Chungking spokesman did not stop to think. Against whom would the New Fourth Army be mutinying in that area?
- 你到底要到哪里去? Wherever are you going?
- 如果我记得不错的话,你兄弟十年前就到加拿大去了。 If I remember correctly, your brother went to Canada ten years ago.
- 我该到哪里去取呢? Where should I come to get it?
- 见鬼的,这罗密欧究竟到哪儿去了?他昨天晚上没有回家吗? Where the devil should this Romeo be? Came he not home to-night?
- 出去?你究竟要到哪儿去呢? Going out? Where in the world are you going?
- 他喜欢到哪里去,就到哪里去。 He goes wherever he pleased.