- 你确切的意图是什么? What exactly are you driving at?
- 通知你,一架飞机降落并报告,云高80米,能见度1公里,你的意图是什么? FYI, one aircraft has landed and reported cloud base 80m, visibility 1km. What is your intention?
- 实行弹性工作时间后,注明你确切的开始工作时间。 Indicate your exact starting time under flextime.
- 我无法告诉你确切的日期。 I can't give you a precise date.
- 通知你,一架飞机降落并报告,云高80米,能见度1公里,你的意图是什么? FYI, one aircraft has landed and reported cloud base 80m, visibility 1km. What is your intention?
- 我立刻要你确切的答案。 I want your definite answer .
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 我最迟在星期五给你确切的答复。 I will give you a definite answer on Friday at the latest.
- 确切的 precise
- 程序的意图是测试是否“相等”(==),而不是进行赋值操作。 The programmer was trying to test for equivalence (==) rather than do an assignment.
- 那么你确切哪天回来? B So when are you back exactly?
- 他这次回来的意图是什么? What is his purpose in coming back this time?
- 这种只谈你的儿时的话题对我来说是一堆废话。我的童年时代可没有给我留下美好的回忆。 All this talk of the happiest days of your life is bunkum to me. I have no happy memories of my childhood.
- 现在战绩领先联盟的是太阳队,你对这支球队的看法是什么? Ph?nix is leading the league. What are you thoughts about this team ?
- 看来他的意图是好的。 It would appear that his intention was good.
- 当你把这个社团称为一群互相吹捧的人的时候,你确切地把它描绘得维妙维肖。 You exactly hit off the nature of this association when you call it a mutual praising society.
- 他的意图是侦察一下。 His intention had been to reconnoiter.
- 当你把这个社团称为一群互相吹捧的人的时候,你确切地把它描绘得惟妙惟肖。 You exactly hit off the nature of this association when you call it a mutual praising society .
- 我认为我是对的,尽管对于这一点我说不出确切的法律依据。 I think I'm right, though I can't cite you chapter and verse what the law says on this point.
- 他的意图是要继续坚持任职两年。 His intention was to soldier on in office for up to two years.