- 我手足无措地看着她,说:红袖,你知道不知道我有多想你,天天盼你来。 I watched helpless, she said: tea, I do not know how you think you know, every day I hope you will to.
- 你知道我有多需要你但你装作没有看到我这会是我得到你的最后机会吗? So you know how much I need ya But you never even see me, do you? And is this my final chance of getting you?
- “我想给你一样特别的东西,让你知道我有多么想你,”他平静地说。 "I wanted to give you something special to let you know how much I missed you," he said quietly.
- 老公你知道在你不在我身边的这些日子我有多想你吗?我们已经有22天没有见面了! Honey, do you know how much I missed you when you were not with me? It has been 22 days since we met before.
- “你知道我的记性有多糟糕。” YOU KNOW HOW BAD MY MEMORY IS.
- 但你知道我有什么发现吗? But you know what I found out?
- 你知道我已把你的书放在书架上了吗? Do you know I have put your book on the shelf?
- 我想你打起来恐怕得使劲才行,否则是不会有多大效果的。 I think your whippings will have to be pretty energetic, to make such impression.
- 希望你知道我有多爱你 Hope you know how much I love you
- 我想你也许知道我戴哪个比较好看。 I thought you might have an opinion about which one wouId Iook best on me.
- 我想你打起来恐怕得使劲才行,否则是不会有多大效果的。 I think your whippings will have to be pretty energetic, to make such impression.
- 你知道生活中,我有多么的需要她吗? You know how much I need her in my life?
- 你知道我确实想买一套新的晚礼服。 You know I'd really like a new evening dress.
- 你知道冒充士兵要受的惩罚有多重吗? You know what the penalty for impersonating a soldier is?
- 我是叶子你是米,一层一层裹住你,你是牙齿我是米,香香甜甜粘住你,粽子里有多少米,代表我有多想你,记得给我发信息,不然粽子噎住你! I am leaf you are rice, one wraps you, you are a tooth I am rice, sweet and clingy you, there are how many meters in the zhongzi, on behalf of me many think you, remember sending message to me, otherwise zhongzi suffocate you!
- “你不知道我有多么爱你,现在仍然爱着你。” "If you knew how much I loved you,how much I still love you."
- 你知道吗,我想你是这个旷野上最漂亮的! You know, I think you're the prettiest thing in these fields.
- 你知道吸一口烟对身体有多大损害吗? Do you know how much damage does a draft of smoke make to you?
- 我多么希望你能够知道我有多么爱你,它已经让我疯狂。 I wish you know how much I love you, its been driving my heart crazy.