- 你知道它们有什么不同? Do you know the different between them?
- 是的。但肥料并不限于氮磷钾。另外还有许多元素也是植物的代谢所不可缺少的。你知道它们有什么作用吗? "Fertilizer is not confined to NPK, though. Many other elements are also essential for the metabolic processes of the plant. Do you have any idea of their functions? "
- 你知道美国的学校系统与中国的学校系统有什么相似和不同吗? What similarities or differences do you know about American and Chinese school systems?
- 你知道它们的用处吗? Do you know their usage?
- 你设身处地替他想想,在这种情况下,你会有什么不同的表现吗? Try to put yourself in his shoes. Would you have behaved any differently in the circumstances?
- 诸位候选人的思想是如此相近,以致于他根本看不出它们之间有什么不同 The ideas of the candidates are so much alike that he could see no difference between them.
- 即使基因本身起初是没有危险的,但你不知道它们将如何演化。 Even if the genes themselves are not initially hazardous, you do not know how they are going to evolve.
- 转移否定经常与哪些动词同现?它们有什么共同的语义特征? What are the verbs which transferred negation often occurs with? What is their shared semantic feature?
- 但你知道我有什么发现吗? But you know what I found out?
- 那么“音乐录像”倒底有什么不同呢? So what makes this phenomenon called "Music videos" so different?
- 你知道这样种有什么好处吗? Do you know the advantages of such inter-planting?
- 它们之间在收费上有什么不同? Is there a cost difference between them?
- 接着,是死一般的寂静,爱丽丝想: “不知道它们下一步想干什么,如果它们有见识的话,就应该把屋顶拆掉。” There was a dead silence instantly,and Alice thought to herself,'I wonder what they WILL do next! If they had any sense,they'd take the roof off.'
- 你的想法和她的想法有什么不同吗? Is there any difference between your idea and hers?
- 你知道什么每年有多少土地荒漠化吗? Do you know how much arable land has been desolated?
- 这和指导现场拍摄的电影有什么不同呢? How is it different from editing live action?
- 你知道他有什么不好的性格特点? Do you his bad character traits?
- 玻璃纸封套和BOPP聚丙烯有什么不同? What is the difference between Glassine envelopes &BOPP polypropylene?
- 你知道在中文里“钱”都有些什么别称吗? Do you know any slang of money in Chinese?
- 你知道有什么咒语里用这个词的吗? Do you know of a spell that uses those words?