- 你知道她在等谁吗? Do you know whom she is waiting for?
- 你知道这个年轻人在等谁吗? Do you know who the young man is waiting?
- 你知道他们在等谁吗? Do you know who they is waiting?
- 你知道她不喜欢谁吗? Do you know who she does not like?
- 在图书馆中想找到她是不大可能成功的尝试,我不知道她在哪儿。 Looking for her in the library was a long shot; I had no idea where she was.
- 那么,你在等谁呢? So, who are you waiting for?
- “你知道她在哪儿吗?”“对不起,我一点也不知道。” 'Do you know where she is?' 'Sorry, I haven't the foggiest.'
- 你在等谁? Whom are you waiting for?
- 现在还没有人知道她在高尔夫球上到底能有多大的造诣。 There's no telling how far she's going to go now.
- 你知道她的下落吗? Do you know her whereabouts?
- 你知道她会泄露所有秘密的。 You know she'll just blab all the secrets.
- 弗朗西斯:她在等您吗? Francis: Is she waiting for you?
- 你知道他想干什么吗? Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 有充分的证据表明那个正在提问的律师确实知道她在做什么; There is ample evidence to suggest that the lawyer in question knew exactly what she was doing.
- 你知道邱吉尔的前任首相是谁吗? Do you know who preceded Winston Churchill as Prime Minister?
- 我不知道她在想什么。 I didn't have a clue what she was thinking.
- 当你使用电话时让你知道另外有人在等你回话的方法。 a way of letting you know that someone else is calling when you are using your telephone.
- 我知道她在徘徊,追她的还有一位是她的老同学也是老乡。 I knew she was in wander up and down, not only I was going after her , but also her fellow-villager .
- 你知道拿破伦是谁吗? Do you know who Napoleon was?
- 地球上重1公斤的东西,在月球上只有166克重了,你知道这些吗? Something that weights one kilogram on the earth would weigh only 166 grams on the moon. Did you know that?