- 你知道哪些缺点吗? Do you know any shorthand?
- 关于太阳系里的九大行星,你知道哪些奥秘? What mysteries do you know about the nine planets in the solar system?
- 吗 morphine
- 你知道哪些酒吧好吗? Do you know any good bars?
- 难道这真是他的缺点吗? Is this really his shortcoming?
- 你知道哪些民族的风俗习惯?请在小组进行讨论表演。 What customs do you know about multiracial peoples? Please discuss and act in groups.
- 你知道他想干什么吗? Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 你知道哪些英文格言? Do you know any English proverbs?
- 你知道,我们欢迎你住下。 You know you are welcome to stay.
- 你知道如何使用计算机吗? Do you know how to manipulate a computer?
- 你知道鸡是怎么能够从网里跑出来的吗? Do you know how the chickens were able to squeak through the net?
- 你知道其他增加变化的方法吗? What other ways do you know to add variety?
- 你知道气垫船比飞机有哪些优点吗? Do you know what advantage the hovercraft has over the aeroplane?
- 你知道确切日期吗? Do you know the exact date?
- 你知道那哭着的孩子什么地方不舒服吗? Do you know what ails that crying child?
- 你知道重庆有哪些景点吗? Do you know any places of interest in Chongqing?
- 你知道他欺骗他的妻子吗? Did you know he was cheating on his wife?
- 你知道这些衬衫都卖半价了吗? Do you realize that all of these shirts are half off?
- 你知道是谁发明的指南针吗? Do you know who invents the compass?
- 你知道怎样操作这台机器吗? Do you know how to handle the machine?