- 你知道什么是白领、灰领,什么是蓝领吗? Do you know what are white collar, gray collar and blue collar?
- 但是你知道什么是电子朋友或者是键盘朋友吗? But what is an e-pal, or key pal?
- 你知道什么是打字机吗?打字机是上世纪用于打印文件的机器装置。 Do you know what a typewriter is? Well, a typewriter is a mechanical device which was used last century to produce printed documents.
- 你知道什么是大家庭吗? Do you know what anextended family is?
- 你知道什么是地球卫星吗? Do you know what the earth satellite is?
- 都已尝过,便真正知道什么是文学,什么不是文学,无须读手册也。 When he has tasted all these flavors, then he knows what is good literature without reading a single handbook.
- 你知道鸡是怎么能够从网里跑出来的吗? Do you know how the chickens were able to squeak through the net?
- 你知道什么是热气。 You know what yeet hay is.
- 你知道什么?你。 You never know, you never knowhow deeply my heart is, you never knowthat I am worrying about you.
- 个人防火墙知道这一切,而且还知道什么是应用软件发送或接收的流量。 A personal firewall knows all of this, but also knows what software application is sending or receiving the traffic.
- 你知道他想干什么吗? Have you any idea of what he is up to?
- 你知道什么是月饼. You know what moon cakes are.
- 你知道那哭着的孩子什么地方不舒服吗? Do you know what ails that crying child?
- 他知道什么是自己的长项,并知道如何弥补自己的弱项。 He learned to recognize his strengths and compensate for his weaknesses.
- 你知道什么事吗? And you know something?
- 你们中有些人可能认为自己知道什么是跳舞。 Some of you may think you know what stepping is.
- 妈妈,你知道什么? And you know what mammy?
- 我们大家都知道什么是“做白日梦”。 All of us know how to daydream.
- 你知道什么时候举行毕业典礼吗? Do you know when will the commencement be?
- 确切的讲什么是飞机头发?你知道的,它很大很。 What exactly is plane hair? - You know. It's all big and all.