- 你看这个怎么样? I see. How do you like this one?
- 我觉得我的手都在抖。老师,你看我这个怎么样? I feel my hand trembling. What do you think about this one, sir?
- 看 to look after
- 这个 this
- 迈斯卓:那么好吧,看这个怎么样? Maestro: Ok fine, what about this one?
- 你看这个重量万圣节 Watch Your Weight This Halloween
- 又走了一会儿:“妈! 你看这个月牙; After we had walked a while I said, "Ma, you see that crescent moon?
- 这个怎么样? How's this one?
- 你看孩子们在运动场上乱冲乱跳。 See the children ramping about in the playground.
- 那么这个怎么样? How about this one, then?
- 你看了关于营救人质的文章了吗? Have you read the article about the rescue of the hostage?
- 您觉得这个怎么样? Shall I show you each of them?
- 你看这个菜该配什么蔬菜一起吃呢? What vegetables do you recommend to go with?
- 有。这个怎么样? Yes. How about this one?
- 你看起来真年轻。 You don't look your age.
- 没问题,这个怎么样? No problem. What about this one?
- 嘿,戴夫。你看这个。 Look at this another green note. Someone must have left it while I was in LA.
- 侍者: 那这个怎么样? Then, how about this one?
- 伯恩: 你看这个倒数时间表。 Look at this reverse timetable.
- 昨晚你看的那场电影怎么样? How about the film you see last night?