- 昨晚你看电视了吗?--没有,我宁愿看小说也不愿看电视。--我愿意看。 Did you watch TV last night? --No, I prefer to read novels rather than watch it. --I prefer to that.
- 昨晚你看电视了吗?玛丽:没有,我做完作业就睡觉了。 Eddy: Did you watch TV last night? Mary: No, I went to bed after finishing my homework.
- 昨天晚上你看电视了吗? Did you watch TV last night?
- 下午你看电视了吗? Do you watch television in the afternoon?
- 哼,除了念念书,你就什么也不会了。大主教,你看懂了吗? Yes, reading is about all you are fit for. Can you make it out, Archbishop?
- 太晚了。你该睡觉了,不能再看电视了。 It is too late. You should go to bed rather than watching the TV.
- 你真幸运,我只有去看电视了。 You are lucky. I have to go and watch TV.
- 你看新栽的玫瑰长根了吗? Do you think the new rosebush has taken root?
- 我这么忙我不能看电视了。 I couldn't possibly watch TV since I'm terribly busy.
- 你看了关于营救人质的文章了吗? Have you read the article about the rescue of the hostage?
- 咱们玩纸牌吧,别看电视了. Let's play cards instead of watching television.
- 你看到山上的那座细长的宝塔了吗? Do you see the slim pagoda on that hill?
- 明天考试就结束了,我们可以休息和看电视了。 The exams finish tomorrow. Then we can put our feet up and watch TV.
- 你看过报纸上关于史密斯太太出了事故的报道吗? Did you see the piece in the newspaper about Mrs Smith's accident?
- 这位老人从来未听过收音机,更不要说看电视了。 The old man has never listened to a radio much less watched TV.
- 她给你看了那封不名誉的信了吗? Did she show that infamous letter to you?
- 你看了关于选举的新闻了吗? Have you read the news about the election?
- 谢谢。我忘记看电视了。卡通片什么时候开始? Thank you. I forgot to watch TV. When does the cartoon show begin?
- 你看过他最新的小说吗?看过,写得乏味透了。 Have you read her latest novel? Yes. It's so tedious it isn't true.
- 你看完我给你的那本小说了吗? Have you finished reading the novel I gave you ?