- 你看我该怎么办? What would you advise me to do?
- “那你看我该怎么办?” "What would you advise?"
- 我非常喜欢这件衣服的款式,但你不认为这颜色对我来说太花哨了吗?你看我该不该买下它? I love the style of this dress. But don't you think the color is a little too loud for me? Do you think I should take it?
- 你看我该给她写信吗? Would you advise me to write a letter to her?
- 肚皮饱饱,孩子乐。你看我来,我看你。八十岁的老奶奶喝可乐。 Now we are all full, children are happy! You look at me and I look at you! Eighty year old grandma has some Coke.
- 如果我碰到这个问题你说我该怎么办? What would you advise me to do if I met this problem?
- 你看我需要多少? How much do you think I'd need?
- 如果就像刚说的那样发生了呢,我该怎么办? How can I do if it so happed?
- 你看我这辆四轮宝贝! Check out these wheels!
- 如果他们叫流氓来讨债,我该怎么办? What will I do if they send some tough guy to collect the money?
- 你看我可以申请这份工作吗? Do you think I could apply for this job?
- 你看我可以见这位影星吗? Do you think I could meet the movie star?
- 你看我该怎样改时间表? How do you think I should change the timetable?
- 你说我该怎么办?该再刮刮胡子或挑瓶美酒? So what're you saying here? I should shave again, pick up some wine, what?
- 让你看我的画,很难为情。 I'm ashamed to let you see my paintings.
- 你看我多可怜啊! You should show pity to me.
- “我正要问你我该怎么办,”男爵夫人心情紧张地说。 "I was going to ask you," replied the baroness with a beating heart
- 你看我的主意行吗 Do you reckon my idea is ok?
- 先立下示范,教给我该怎么办--/当你恳切的目光第一次对上了 When first time thine earnest eyes with mine were crossed
- 你看我的判断对吗? Do you think my judgment is correct?