- 你看到哪一页了? What page have you got up to?
- 我忘记看到哪一页了。 I have lost my place.
- 我忘记看到哪一页了 I have lost my place.
- 如果哪一天你看到阳光正在照射着你,不用犹豫,一定是我用太阳神的光芒照着你。 If some day you see a sun light is shining to you,do not be undecided,sure that it is my Apollo phoebus.
- 你看到山上的那座细长的宝塔了吗? Do you see the slim pagoda on that hill?
- 你看了多少页了? How many pages have you read?
- 我认为附信没有必要写得很长,一页就够了,列举一下你在大学里做了些什么。 I think you dont have to write your cover letter very long. Just one page is enough. List what you have done in your college.
- 如果哪一天你看到阳光正在照射着你,不用犹豫,一定是我用太阳神的光芒照着你。 If some day you see a sun light is shining to you, do not be undecided, sure that it is my Apollo phoebus.
- 找到那一页了吗? Have you all found the place?
- 我起草了一封措词强烈的投诉信;你看是否要口气缓和一点? I've drafted a very strong letter of complaint; do you think I should tone it down a bit?
- 你想添加消息?但它到哪去了?呵,请记住只有发布了的消息才是可见。 Did you try to add a message? But where did it go? Well, remember that only published messages are visible.
- 这本书情节丰富,哪一页都不乏味。 The book was full of action and wasn't boring for a single page.
- 你看到山上的那座细长的宝塔了吗? Do you see the slim pagoda on that hill?
- 你看到医院里的病人怎么样? How do you see the patients in the hospital?
- 你知道,说不定哪一天都可能真相大白,那时我们可就完蛋了。 You know,it may come out any day,and then we are done for.
- 你看到火车站对面的房子了吗? Have you seen the house opposite the railway station?
- 你知道, 说不定哪一天都可能真相大白, 那时我们可就完蛋了。 You know, it may come out any day, and then we are done for.
- 常有人拦住我和张箫问:彼得什么时候回来呀?哎,您到哪一天回来呢? So many people are always stopping Zhang Xiao and me and asking, "When is Peter coming back?" Well, when is he?
- 一直走,直到你看到邮局. All along go ,until you may see the postoffice.
- 他先看了一下书的目录,试图可以找到所需章节的那一页。 He first looked the contents of the book trying to find the page of the chapter.