- 你相信鬼神吗? Do you believe in the supernatural?
- 一项新的研究显示,不管你相信与否,在美国受教育程度越高者,越相信鬼神和超自然现象。 Believe it or not, higher education is linked to a greater tendency to believe in ghosts and other paranormal phenomena, according to a new study.
- 吗 morphine
- 你相信笔杆的威力大于武力吗? Do you believe that the pen is mightier than the sword?
- 你相信有仙女吗? Do you believe in fairies?
- 我们能以鞭炮驱邪,你相信吗? Do you believe that we can use crackers to frighten away evil spirits?
- 你相信他有能力做这工作吗? Do you confide in his ability to do the job?
- 怎样才能使你相信我是真心实意的呢? How can I persuade you that I am sincere?
- 你相信我们干得了这件工作吗? Do you confide in our ability to do this work?
- 你相信他们不看电视么? Do you believe, therefore -- do you believe the jury didn't watch television?
- 你相信什么,就要捍卫它。 Stick up for what you believe.
- 你相信吗? Can you believe it?
- 俄勒冈州波特兰4月的天气会让你相信冬天永远不会结束。 April days in Portland,Oregon,can convince you that winter will never end.
- 你相信有上帝吗? Do you believe in God?
- 你相信灵魂吗? Do you believe in spirits?
- 你相信来生吗 Do you believe in the future life
- 你相信星命吗? Do you believe in astrology?
- 你相信他的话吗? Have you any faith in what he says?
- 你相信冥冥中的安排吗? Do you believe in a cosmic plan?
- 你相信她说的话吗? Have you any faith in what she says?