- 你相信这个新闻故事吗? Do you believe the news stories?
- 你相信这个国家有许多孤孤单单的人吗? Do you believe there are many lone wolves in this country?
- 这个 this
- 吗 morphine
- 你相信那个神话故事吗? Do you have faith in that fairy story?
- 你相信这个传道者的话吗? Do you believe in what the preacher said?
- 你听说过梭子鱼想吞吃骡子的故事吗?不同于某些瞎吹的故事,这可能是真的。 Have you heard the one about the pike that tried to eat a mule? Unlike some fisherman's tales this one could be true.
- 我们都相信这个故事是真的。 We all believe the story to be true.
- 你相信笔杆的威力大于武力吗? Do you believe that the pen is mightier than the sword?
- 我相信这个均势将被维持。 I believe this state of equilibrium will be maintained.
- 你不能在演讲中插入几个有趣的故事吗? Can't you work some funny stories into your lecture?
- 大家相信这个小饰物会带来好运。 The charm is believed to bring good luck.
- 没时间在睡觉之前给你的孩子讲故事吗? Don't have time to read your preschooler a book before bedtime?
- 没有理由使人们相信这个速度会变慢。 There is no reason to believe that this pace will slacken.
- 你相信他有能力做这工作吗? Do you confide in his ability to do the job?
- 你看过关于美人鱼的故事吗? Have you read the story of mermaids?
- 你相信我们干得了这件工作吗? Do you confide in our ability to do this work?
- 你相信鬼神吗? Do you believe in the supernatural?
- 我不相信这件事。;我不相信这个故事。 I don't believe in the story.
- 萨拉:不会吧?这些小词常常都有自己本身的意思。你知道那个伐木工人的故事吗? SARA: Not really. Often the little words have meanings of their own. Do you know the story of the woodcutter?