- 你相信她说的话吗? Have you any faith in what she says?
- 她对你很生气,因为你似乎不相信她说的话,因为你似乎不相信她说的。 She is very angry with you, because you seem to doubt what she says.
- 你相信他说的话吗? Have you any faith in his words?
- 相信她说的话,你真傻。那只不过是鳄鱼的眼泪。 It was silly of you to believe what she said. That's just crocodile's tears.
- 你相信他的话吗? Have you any faith in what he says?
- 你不能相信她说的话。 You can't believe anything she says.
- 你相信那人讲的话吗? Do you give credit to what the man said?
- 我们相信她说的是真的。 We have no doubt that what she said is true.
- “她说了什么特别的话吗?”我问道,“我想起来了,”戴维说,“她说了。” "Did she say anything special?" I asked. "Now I come to think of it," said Dave,"she did."
- 你相信这个传道者的话吗? Do you believe in what the preacher said?
- 你相信《圣经》上说的一切吗? Do you believe in everything the Bible says?
- 对相信她说的每一件事都非常谨慎 very cautious about believing everything she was told
- 她对你说的话是一派谎言。 What she told you was a pack of lies.
- 是的。你相信有来世前生吗?如果有的话你认为你的前生是社么,你的来世又会怎样? Do you believe in reincarnation? If yes, what do you think you were in your last life? How about the next one?
- 谨慎的回答;对相信她说的每一件事都非常谨慎。 a cautious answer; very cautious about believing everything she was told.
- 你明白我所说的话吗? Do you understand me?
- 你不会相信她胡扯的话的。 You won't credit her far-fetched story.
- 生命没有尽头我只能终日叹息噢,难道你看不到我在坠落吗?噢,你能听见我说的这些话吗? There is no ending to this life That I've to live with endless sighs Oh, can't you see I'm falling now? Oh, could you hear these words somehow?
- 你相信网络中的爱情吗?就是我们平常所说的网恋! Do you believe the love in the network? We call that cyber-love.
- 她说的话没有一点是真的。 There's not even a modicum of truth in her statement.