- 你相信他说的话吗? Have you any faith in his words?
- 那人吃东西的那副馋相使人相信他说的险些要饿死的话是真的。 The way the man ate lent colour to his story of near starvation.
- 你相信他的话吗? Have you any faith in what he says?
- "你终于来了," 他说,打断了她的解释,"别找理由了,去照顾客人吧。" "Since you are here at last, " he said, interrupting her explanation, "never mind the excuses--start serving the customers."
- 你相信她说的话吗? Have you any faith in what she says?
- 你相信他所提到的一切有关我的事吗? Do you believe all the references to me that he made?
- 他说的话你相信吗? Do you believe what he said?
- 相信他说的那个银器的价值吧。真的,他是个有鉴别能力的人。 Trust his word for the value of that silver. Believe me he's a man who knows a hawk from a handsaw.
- 你全懂我们说的话吗? Do you know all that we say?
- 你相信他所说的是真的吗? Are you satisfied of the truth of what he said?
- 你决不可相信他的话,因为他是个爱撒小谎的人。 You shall never believe what he say because he is a fibber.
- 你相信这个传道者的话吗? Do you believe in what the preacher said?
- 我不相信他所说的。对我来说,这听上去是个十分荒诞的故事。 I don't believe that he said for a moment- it sounds a pretty tail story to me.
- 关于玛莎阿姨的身材,他说的话真刻毒。 He made a snide remark about Aunt Martha's figure.
- 哎,你听得见我说的话吗? Hallo, can you hear me?
- 事实已经证明他说他想和你在一起是耍你的,所以不要再相信他了。 It has proved that he is fooling when he said he wanted to be with you, so don't believe him.
- 你明白我所说的话吗? Do you understand me?
- 让某人相信他说的大话为了戏弄某某人。 Tease someone by trying to make him believe something that's exaggerated or untrue.
- 是的。你相信有来世前生吗?如果有的话你认为你的前生是社么,你的来世又会怎样? Do you believe in reincarnation? If yes, what do you think you were in your last life? How about the next one?
- 他说的话很无聊, 多有涵养的人也得气得发火. His silly chatter would vex a saint.