- 你的飞机有多重? How much does your airplane weigh?
- 然后给你一些项目选出原始目录中出现过的项(如: “下面的飞机有那些在你的扇区中?”)。 The person is then presented with a set of items and asked to pick out those that occurred in the original list (e.g., "Which of the following aircraft are in your sector?").
- 你的角色有多重? How much does your character weigh?
- 然后给你一些项目选出原始目录中出现过的项(如:“下面的飞机有那些在你的扇区中?”)。 The person is then presented with a set of items and asked to pick out those that occurred in the original list (e.g.
- 你的随身听有多重? How much does your Walkman weigh?
- 螺旋桨飞机有这样一种螺旋桨的飞机 An airplane having such a propeller.
- 你的婴儿有多重? How much does your baby weigh?
- 下周四去旧金山的飞机有直达航班吗? Is there any non-stop flight to San Francisco next Thursday?
- 你有多重? How heavy are you?
- 我想知道你的飞机有什么故障? I would like to know what's the trouble with your airplane?
- 双翼飞机有两片机翼安在不同水平线的飞机,尤指一在机身上方,一在机身下方 An airplane having two pairs of wings fixed at different levels, especially one above and one below the fuselage.
- 这个婴儿出生时有多重? How heavy was the baby when he was born?
- 你的这一班机是英国航空公司的飞机. Your carrier for this flight is British Airways.
- 你的书包有多重? How heavy is your schoolbag?
- 唔,我们到了。你的飞机离起飞还早着呢。 Well,here we are. You are in plenty of time for your plane.
- 您燃烧的热量有多少,端看您骑得有多卖力及您本身的体重有多重。 The amount of calories that you burn depends on how hard you pedal and how much you weigh.
- 我来接你,你的飞机几点到达?你的航班号是多少? I will pick you up, what time is Your flight? What's your flight number?
- 你的驾龄有多长? How long have you been driving?
- “可怜的老奶奶,她自己还不知道病有多重呢 " Poor old granny, she has no idea how ill she is." " Just as well, surely, " the nurse said gently.
- 你的飞机一着陆,你就可以觉察到种族关系的改善。 You will be able to observe the improvement in race relations as soon as your plane lands.