- 你的车出什么毛病了? What's the matter with your car?
- 我知道你是乘公共汽车来的,你的车出了什么毛病? I see you came by bus. What's the matter with your car?
- 我的车出了什么毛病? Is there something the matter with my car?
- 我没有记下撞倒你的那辆汽车的车号,它一下子就开走了,我只知道那是一辆棕色的大轿车。 I didn't get the number of the car that knocked you over. It was gone in a flash. All I know is that it's a big, brown car.
- 它出什么毛病了? What's the trouble with it?
- 你的车在行驶了那么多哩数之后怎么还会保持这么好的状况? His parents stayed in such good condition after all those miles of traveling?
- 电视机出什么毛病了? What's the matter with the TV set?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 如果你的车坏了,你就坐着不动等警察来。 If your car breaks down, sit tight and wait for the police.
- 艾里克斯很幸运,他的车撞坏了,而自己却只受了点擦伤。 Alex was lucky. He crashed his car but gat off with only a few scratches.
- 你的工作出什么问题了? What's wrong with your job?
- 我不管你的车是否坏了。 I don't care whether your car breaks down or not.
- 机器出什么毛病了吗? Is there anything amiss with the machine?
- 太同意你的看法了!是强烈地表示同意某人刚刚说过的话的方法。 You can say that again! Is an emphatic way of agreeing with something someone has just said.
- 用我的车去造你的船。 Use my truck to build your boat.
- 出了什么毛病了? Is something amiss?
- 把你的车闪开, 让我过去! Pull (your car) over and let me pass
- 司机应对这次事故负责。他的车撞倒了一棵树和一个骑车的人。 The driver ought to take the responsibility for the accident, in which he knocked down one tree and one cyclist.
- 这台机器出什么毛病了? What's the matter with the machine?
- “如果你的前提成立,那么就很容易推断出你的结论了。” " If your premise is established,your conclusions are easily deducible."