- 你的说法出处何在? What is your authority for that statement?
- 你的说法出处何在? What is your authority for that statement?
- 我很赞同你的说法,如果差异不能完全消除的话,也一定能缩校。 I quit agree with you. The difference can surely be narrowed ,if not altogether removed .
- 你的说法跟他告诉我的情况极为相似。 Your story closely parallels what he told me.
- 你就说安的作品是你见过的最出色的,我想你的说法有点过分恭维。 I thought you laid it on a bit thick when you said that Ann's was the best painting you've ever seen.
- 你的说法与事实不太符合。 Your statement does not relate well with the facts.
- 让温馨的祝愿、幸福的思念和友好的祝福,在圣诞佳节来到你身边,伴你左右。 May the warmest wishes, happy thoughts and friendly greetings come at Christmas and stay with you all the year through.
- 你的恶劣行径给整个学校带来耻辱。 Your bad behavior brings shame on the whole school.
- "我并非真的说我的合伙人是条蛇,这不过是种形象化的说法。" I didn't really mean my associate is a snake; it was just a figure of speech.
- 让我们共同庆祝你的成功。 Let us rejoice together on your success.
- 把你的大衣挂在衣橱里。 Hang your overcoat in the closet.
- 约翰尼在董事会上不善争辩,按众人的说法是胆子小了点。 Johnny isn't much of a fighter in the boardroom—a bit afraid, as one might say.
- 你的电视机接地吗? Is your TV set earthed?
- 我对你的话没有反对意见。 I have no quarrel with what you say.
- 有什么证据可以支持你的说法吗? Is there any evidence to support what you have said?
- 你如果与这些人交往就会损害你的好名声。 You will compromise your good name if you associate with these people.
- “秘密外交政策”的说法长期以来引起了美国公众的愤怒。 The phrase "secret diplomacy" has long been a red rag to American public opinion.
- 赛马场上有没有你的马? Have you any horses on the turf?
- 请在参考文献处标明你的引文出处。 Please include your quotations in the bibliography.
- 按我们早先的说法,双胞胎有完全相同的DNA,因此可以称做克隆。 As we said earlier twins have the exact same DNA and could be called clones.