- 你的话说完了吗? Have you said your say yet?
- 愿这地长蒺藜代替麦子,长恶草代替大麦。约伯的话说完了。 Let thistles grow instead of wheat, and cockle instead of barley. The words of Job are ended.
- 你为何那样地离开我?我说了什么得罪你的话吗? Why did you walk away from me like that? Have I said something to offend you?
- [新译]就愿蒺藜长出来代替小麦,臭草代替大麦。”约伯的话说完了。 KJV] Let thistles grow instead of wheat, and cockle instead of barley. The words of Job are ended.
- 你最初能让别人听到你的话了吗? Can you make youself heard at the beginning?
- 我借给你的那本书看完了吗? Have you done with that book I lent you?
- “好吧,先生,如果你在虚线上签个名的话,这辆小车就是你的了。” "Now,sir,if you will just sign on the dotted line the car becomes."
- 你不觉得你的反应有点过火了吗?怎么说这件事也已经过去了。我们对此无能为力。 Don't you think you're overreacting a bit? It's over with and there's nothing we can do about it.
- 你的话说得正是时候. Your remarks were certainly well timed.
- 我讲话时你别插嘴,等我说完了你再说。 Don't cut in while I am talking.You can say what you want later.
- 就在前几天我偶然想起了你的堂兄,你近来收到他的信了吗? Just the other day I happened to think of your cousin. Have you heard from him lately?
- 用耶稣基督的话说,爱就是这条辉煌的诫命:要彼此相爱。 Love, in the words of the Master, is the shining commandment: LOVE ONE ANOTHER.
- 我的朋友,你的沙漏里的沙子就要走完了。 The sands of time are running out for you my friend.
- 你的话说得非常理智。 You sound terribly wise.
- 劳拉:但我的冲动却带给了我一个司祭盎。你的手气如何,开张了吗? Lara: It doesn't prevented me from getting a piece of the Scion. How's business for you?
- 说完这些绝望的话,他就朝围攻的人冲去。 With these desperate speeches he sallied forth upon the besiegers.
- 斯大林的话说得对:“理论若不和革命实践联系起来,就会变成无对象的理论。” Stalin rightly says that "theory becomes purposeless if it is not connected with revolutionary practice".
- 在比赛最激烈的时候,你的进球将决定你队胜利与否,你知道你的责任了吗? Competition in the most intense, your scoring will determine victory or not your team, you know your responsibilities?
- 看完了。你的建议很好,我们一定采纳。谢谢你对公司的关心。 Yes. Your suggestion is very good. We'll adopt it. Thank you for your interest in helping our company.
- 他的体重已经超过正常标准,但并不显得肥胖,用他自己的话说是“肉长得让人舒服”。 He was overweight without being fat, and referred to himself as "comfortably upholstered".