- 你的腿有毛病吗? Is there anything the matter with your legs?
- 好。你的背部和膝关节有什么毛病吗? Davis: Good. Do you have any back or knee problems?
- 因为他的腿有毛病,他不能跟别人走得一样快。 Because of his bad leg, he couldn't walk so fast as the others.
- 你的腿很疼吗? Does your leg pain you much?
- 你的肝脏出过毛病吗? Have you ever had any trouble with your liver?
- 那个对于我的整日不休的腿有疗效的药片是否对同事那些整日不休的嘴有效呢? Will my pills for restless leg syndrome do anything for a coworker with restless mouth syndrome?
- 这辆卡车有毛病吗? Is there anything wrong with the lorry?
- 不论你的腿有多难看,都可以穿短裤。 You can wear shorts no matter how your legs look.
- 他们跟我们一样,有毛病吗? They were all like us? Dysfunctional?
- 当之这样做时,努力想像你的精神之手在你的腿中,在你的躯干的前部。 Try and imagine your HANDS are inside your legs and just inside the front of your torso as you do this.
- 他的腿有关节炎。 He suffers from arthritis in his leg joints.
- 我已看过了锈损的器械,并同意一回到伦敦就调换有毛病的器械。 I have seen the rusty instrument and agree to replace the defective instrument as soon as I return to London.
- 我原则上同意你的声明,但在某些细节上我有不同的意见. I agree with your statement in principle but I disagree on some details.
- 出了什么毛病吗? Is there sth. wrong?
- 你的腿很重。 You have a lead foot.
- 他出售这台机器时知道它有毛病,困此他拿这钱是问心有愧的。 He knew the machine was faulty when he sold it so he accepted the money in had faith.
- 用你的腿你能跳多高? How high can you jump with your legs?
- 你对改变你的工作时间有什么异议吗? Have you any objection to changing your working hours?
- 那可能你的腿也有点肿吧! Then probably your legs are also a bit swollen.
- 你的表一定有毛病。 Be something wrong with Something must be wrong with your watch.