- 你的腿很疼吗? Does your leg pain you much?
- 你的腿还疼吗? Does your leg still hurt(you)?
- 他的腿很疼。 His legs are very painful.
- 你的腿很重。 You have a lead foot.
- 你的腿老疼吗? Is your legs constantly in pain?
- 你最好穿长裤子而不是短裤子。长裤能给你的腿很好的保护,穿袜子也是个不错的注意。 You'll also be much better off in long trousers rather than shorts because they will give your legs more protection, and socks are a good idea too.
- 你的左手肿了,疼吗? Your left hand is swollen. Does it hurt?
- 对那受伤的腿很小心 to favour an injured leg
- 作为一个教员你必须争取使你自己和你的学员都很优秀。 As a trainer you must strive for excellence both from yourself and your trainee.
- 拔牙很疼吗? Is it very painful to have the teeth taken out?
- 你的电视机接地吗? Is your TV set earthed?
- 昨天早上,彼得的狗咬了我的腿,但是它非常小,我一点儿都没觉得疼。 Peter's dog bit my leg yesterday morning, but it was so small that I didn't feel any pain.
- 河马的腿很大。 The hippos have big legs.
- 我用一下你的笔可以吗? May I use your pen?
- 你的伤臂还疼吗? Does your wounded arm still hurt?
- 引流肺上叶的肺前段,把枕头放在你的腿上,让小儿仰卧在枕头上。 To drain upper lobes, anterior segments, place the child supine on a pillow in your lap.
- 你和你的担保人保持联系吗? Have you been keeping in touch with your financial sponsor?
- 这桌子总有一天要垮下来;它的腿很不牢固。 The table is going to collapse one of these days; the legs are very weak.
- 你的右手肿了,疼吗? Your right hand is swollen. Does it hurt?
- 那可能你的腿也有点肿吧! Then probably your legs are also a bit swollen.