- “你的职业是什么?’”我是跳舞的。’ 'What's your occupation?' 'I'm a dancer.'
- ‘你的职业是什么?’‘我是一个警察。’ 'What's your occupation?' 'I am a policeman.'
- 你的职业是什么? What's your occupation?
- 选择合适的职业是很重要的,我们应该设法发现自己的才能并找出如何运用它们的方法。 Choosing the right career is very important. We should try to find out what our talents are and how we can use them.
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 你的短期和长期的职业计划是什么?(在500个单词限制) What is your short-term and long-term career plan? (limited in 500 words)
- 记者的职业是提供可以接受的有关事实,因此,他能够也应该采取不偏激的方针。 The reporter, whose business is to present relevant facts in an acceptable form, could and should steer a middle course.
- 搬家工人职业是从一个地方向另一地方搬运家用物品或办公用品的人 One that transports household or office goods from one location to another as an occupation.
- 译:你的斩魂刀的刀柄是什么颜色的? What colour would your sword hilt be?
- 不要担心你的职业。 Don't worry about you cancer.
- 痤疮是什么?:认真对待摆脱你的痤疮 What Acne?: Serious Treatments to Get Rid of Your Acne
- 因此,个体摄影师的职业是危险的,有时是令人生厌的,又总是不安全的。 So the job of a freelance cameraman is dangerous, sometimes dirty and always insecure.
- 你的职业兴趣是什么? What's your interested career field?
- 你工作开心吗?无论你的回答是什么,请告诉我们原因好吗? Do you work happily? No matter what your answer. Tell us why, ok?
- 书记问我的职业是什么。 The secretary ask what my occupation be.
- 质量好的名片盒不仅能保管好名片,还能为你的职业形象增光添彩。 Not only does a quality case keep the cards neat,but it adds to your professional demeanour.
- 但是他开始写短篇小说,当他赢得学院文学奖时,N.M.意识到他真正的职业是做一个作家。 But he began writing short stories and when he won a collegate collegiate literary prize, N.M. knew that his true calling was as a writer.
- 你的业务面临的其它风险是什么?你怎样排列(高、中、低) What other risks does your business face? How would you rank them (High, Medium, Low)
- 那么 ,Stewart先生,你的职业呢? And, Mr. Stewart, what is your occupation?
- 您的职业是什么? What do you do for a living?