- 你的籍贯是哪里? Where is your hometown?
- 你的籍贯是? What is your native place?
- 你的籍贯是什么地方? Where is your native place?
- 他的籍贯是哪个省? What province does he hail from?
- "可是对你来说这是一桩大事啊。" "什么大事不大事的!我担心什么?" "But it's a serious matter for you." "Serious my foot, why should I worry?"
- 你的籍贯? I: Where is your native place?
- “那个玩具娃娃是哪里弄来的?”“我用小猫换的。”“你说什么 " Where did you get that doll?" " I swapped the kitten for her." " You what!"
- 你的籍贯是哪? Where is your native place?
- 你是一个武士,你的师傅被暗杀了,一切都还是迷,这个谜需要你去解开。 Introduction: You are a warrior, you mentor was assassinated, or all the crowds, the mystery for you to solve.
- 谢谢你,BG7AB,非常好的设备。请问你的QTH是哪里,我将会寄我的QSL卡片给你? Thank you very much.,BG7AB, It is very nice equipment .Where are you QTH? I will send my QSL card to you.
- 所以,通过用韵来判断《周易参同契》作者的籍贯,是十分可靠的方法。 So, it is also a very reliable method to judge the birth place of the authors of Zhou yi can tong qi by the rhymes it adopted.
- 没有必要到哪里都是老是闷闷不乐,你的处境必定会很快好起来的。 There's no need to walk round with a long face all the time; things are bound to improve for you soon.
- 你的回答不是独树一帜就是错了。她不知道是该哭还是该笑 Your answer is either ingenious or wrong. She didn't know whether to laugh or cry.
- 无论走到哪里,只要爱人的面容仍铭记于心,世界便总是你的家。 For if a lover's face survives emblazoned on your heart, the world is still your home.
- 你是否想知道你的身体状况与实际年龄相比是显得年轻还是衰老? Would you like to know if your body is older or younger than it should be?
- 强盗要你的钱,不然就是你的命‘女人则既要你的钱又要你的命。 Brigands demand your money or your life; women require both.
- 他过去待你很坏,但是他还是你的哥哥,那么你应该帮助他。 He treated you badly;still,he is your brother and you ought to help him.
- 使你失望我心里很不安,不过我实在是不能同意你的意见。 I'm sorry to disappoint you, but I can't agree with you there after all.
- 你所能做的最好的事情就是让追随者照着你的样子去做。 The best thing you can do is to get followers to mirror your actions by being what you wish them to be.
- 米克黑尔:自卫?那是因为你要欺骗他,他才会攻击你的! Mikhail: Defending yourself!? You tried to swindle him, he was justified in attacking!